Appendix C: VIEW User Rights

This section describes the features and rights that can be granted to VIEW supervisors and administrators

VIEW User Rights Controlled in storm STUDIO

VIEW User Rights Controlled in storm VIEW

VIEW User Rights Controlled in storm STUDIO

The method of assigning these categorised user rights is described in the storm STUDIO User Guide



Scheduled Reports

Historical Reports

Report Builder



User Right


Create Dashboards for Real-time Statistics


Create Dashboards for Historical Reports

Allows administrators to create dashboards for historical reports.

Share Dashboards with other users

Reveals the Share Tab button on the Button Bar., allowing supervisors and administrators to share dashboards.

Clone Dashboards

Reveals the Clone Dashboard button on the Button Bar, allowing administrators to copy dashboards and their contents.


User Right


Configure widget display options

Reveals options allowing administrators to change the size of the text displayed in real-time module title bars. Where applicable, options for controlling data row heights and resizing modules are also displayed.

See Real-Time Statistics Configuration Tasks.

View real-time alerts


Reveals the Alerts module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display currently active message alerts on a real-time dashboard.

View real-time Agent Group module and agent statistics

Reveals the Agent Group module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display agent group statistics on a real-time dashboard.

Configure real-time statistics in Agent Group module

Reveals the Agent Group Events options list in the Agent Group module, allowing administrators to control which columns to display in the Individual User Statistics panel.

Configure an Agent Group Module to display user groups

Reveals options in the Agent Group module's configuration panel, allowing administrators to choose whether to display statistics for an agent group or a user group.

Change an agent's status in Agent Group module

Reveals the Change Agent Status event in the Agent Group module's 'Agent Group Event's options list, allowing administrators to display the button for enabling supervisors to toggle an agent's status from Available to Unavailable, or from Unavailable to Available.

Note: the button will work only if the 'Toggle an agent's availability in Agent Group module' user right is enabled. See further below.

Change an agent's status to Logged Off in Agent Group module

Reveals the Log Off Agent event in the 'Agent Group Event's options list, allowing administrators to include the function that enables supervisors to log an agent out of storm.

Toggle an agent's availability in Agent Group module

Activates the function for enabling supervisors to toggle an agent's status between Available and Unavailable.

Note: you must also enable the 'Change an agent's status in Agent Group module' user right (see above) so that the button for this feature is available in the Agent Group module's 'Agent Group Events' options list.

Monitor agent calls from Agent Group module

Reveals the Supervisor Listen-In event in the 'Agent Group Events' options list, allowing administrators to include the function in individual Agent Group modules.

View real-time Queue module and Queue statistics

Reveals the Queues module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display queue and queue group statistics on a real-time dashboard.

View real-time Word Cloud module

Reveals the Word Cloud module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display statistics according to their relative values on a real-time dashboard.

View real-time User States module and User statistics

Reveals the User States module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display the log-on status of UC, MS Teams, and Meeting Room users on a real-time dashboard.

View real-time Campaign module and OUTBOUND statistics

Reveals the Dial Campaign module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display statistics for storm OUTBOUND campaigns on a real-time dashboard.

Change Campaign Statuses in Campaign module

Allows supervisors to change the status of an OUTBOUND campaign in a Dial Campaign module by clicking on the Status buttons.

View real-time Planned Calls module

Reveals the Planned Calls module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose to display scheduled retries and callbacks in a storm OUTBOUND campaign.

View real-time Completion Code statistics

Reveals the Agent Call Completion Codes and Queue Call Completion Code sections in the Real-Time Events Selector. This allows administrators to select configured completion code events for display in the Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Readout, List, Gauge, and Word Cloud modules.

View real-time Queue Group statistics

Reveals the Queue Groups section in the Real-Time Events Selector. This allows administrators to select queue group events for display in the Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Readout, List, Gauge, and Word Cloud modules.

View real-time FLOW queue statistics

Displays statistics for anonymous queues in the Queues section of in the Real-Time Events Selector. (Anonymous queues are configured in storm FLOW.)

View real-time Conferencing statistics

Reveals the Conferences section in the Real-Time Events Selector. This allows administrators to select events for information reported by the storm MATRIX® audio conferencing application for display in the Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Readout, List, Gauge, and Word Cloud modules.

Configure real-time visual alerting

Reveals the Alert button in the Readout, List, Gauge, Agent Group, and Queues modules for administrators, allowing them to configure an event's value to change colour on reaching chosen thresholds.

Scheduled Reports

User Right


Export scheduled reports

Provides scheduled historical export report functionality by revealing the Scheduled Reports menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

Export scheduled reports for periods in the past

Reveals all dates before the current day in the Run From options list on the Export Configuration dialog's 'Schedule' tab. This allows administrators to run reports from dates in the past in their export schedules.

Export scheduled reports to an integration

Displays the 'Integration' option on the Export Configuration dialog's 'Export Destination' tab, allowing administrators to export historical reports to an external system (currently Salesforce only).

Note: the 'Integration' option will display only if a Salesforce integration is configured on your system. Contact your account manager for further information about integrating your system to receive data.

Export scheduled reports in Verint format

Populates the Export to WFM options list on the Export Configuration dialog's 'Report' tab with the 'Verint WFO' option, allowing administrators to export data in a format that can be imported into Verint.

Export scheduled reports in IEX format

Populates the Export to WFM options list on the Export Configuration dialog's 'Report' tab with the 'IEX Totalview' option, allowing administrators to export data in a format suitable for the QPC IEX Workforce management system.

Historical Reports

User Right


Download reports in XLS format

Displays the Download as XLS option when downloading a historical report from a dashboard.

Queue Reports

Provides queued report functionality by revealing the Queued Reports menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

Download RedResponse recordings

(Restricted use) Displays hyperlinks for the records reported in in the deprecated 'Recording File Name' data export field (FLOW category in the CONTACT Data Records data source). The hyperlinks allow users to download recordings.

Report Builder

User Right


Create historical reports

Provides historical report creation functionality by revealing the Report Builder menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button, or opens a historical report for editing directly from a dashboard of historical reports.

Use FLOW Action Cell Log data source

Reveals the FLOW Action Cell Log data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports for troubleshooting IVRs and other services created in storm FLOW.

Use Licence Usage data source

Reveals the Licence Usage data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports showing licence consumption per site and user group in your organisation.

Use Organisation Licence Usage data source

Reveals the Organisation Licence Usage data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports showing licence consumption across your entire organisation.

Use OUTBOUND Status Change data source

Reveals the OUTBOUND Status Change data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports for storm OUTBOUND campaigns.

Use LOCK Transactions data source

Reveals the LOCK Transactions data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports for storm LOCK and PADLOCK secure payment transactions.

Use Vodafone ICR datasource

Deprecated. Do not use.

Use LINK category in reports

Reveals the CONTACT Data Records data source's LINK category of data export fields in the Field/Filter selector panels of the Report Builder for historical data export reports and also in the Metric/Filter selector panels for custom historical reports.

Use MATRIX category in reports

Reveals the CONTACT Data Records data source's MATRIX category of data export fields in the Field/Filter selector panels of the Report Builder for historical data export reports and also in the Metric/Dimension/Filter selector panels for custom historical reports.

Add configurable filters

Reveals the Filter configurable on dashboard option in the Report Builder's Configure Filter dialog in a historical data export or custom report.

Use Social Media statistics in reports

Reveals the CONTACT Data Records data source's Social Media category of data export fields in the Field/Filter selector panels of the Report Builder for historical data export reports and also in the Metric/Filter selector panels for custom historical reports.

Create and edit custom dimensions

Reveals the New Dimension button in the Dimension selector panel of the Report Builder. This allows administrators to create custom dimensions for breaking up metric values.

Configure report export options

Enables all controls on the data export report Display Options panel and the custom historical report Display Options panel. This allows administrators to configure how historical data export reports and custom historical reports appear on dashboards and in scheduled exports.

Configure reports to export in an XML format

Reveals the XML File export option on the data export report Display Options panel and the custom historical report Display Options panel. This allows administrators to export data export reports in XML format and to export custom reports in XML format.

Use CKS Export datasource

Reveals the CKS Export data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports for storm CKS scheduled exports.


User Right


Create and edit alerts

Provides real-time alert creation functionality by revealing the Alerts menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button

Create and edit DTA user notifications in alerts

Displays the Raise user notification in DTA option on the Raise Action tab of the Alerts configuration dialog.

Assign template reports to sub-organisations

Provides functionality for assigning historical reports to sub-organisations by revealing the Template Reports menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button

Create and edit custom extended records

Provides functionality for creating custom data export fields populated by storm FLOW scripts by revealing the Extended Records menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

Assign template custom extended records to sub-organisations

Provides functionality for assigning custom data export fields to sub-organisations by revealing the Template Records menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

View audit log

Provides functionality for displaying actions performed by users by revealing the Audit Log menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

Edit report access profiles

Reveals the VIEW Reports access profile in storm STUDIO. This allows administrators to control which historical reports to hide from particular users. See the storm STUDIO User Guide for details about setting up access profiles.

Create and edit custom events

Provides custom event creation functionality by revealing the Custom Events menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button

VIEW User Rights Controlled in storm VIEW

The method of assigning these alphabetically listed user rights is described in Control User Access Rights to VIEW Features.

User Right


Add Lock statistics to reports

Reveals the LOCK Transactions data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports for storm LOCK and PADLOCK secure payment transactions.

Add configurable filters in the Report Builder

Reveals the Filter configurable on dashboard option in the Report Builder's Configure Filter dialog in a historical data export or custom report.

Add real-time completion code statistics

Reveals the Agent Call Completion Codes and Queue Call Completion Code sections in the Real-Time Events Selector. This allows administrators to select configured completion code events for display in the Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Readout, List, Gauge, and Word Cloud modules.

Add real-time conferencing statistics

Reveals the Conferences section in the Real-Time Events Selector. This allows administrators to select events for information reported by the storm MATRIX® audio conferencing application for display in the Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Readout, List, Gauge, and Word Cloud modules.

Allow downloads in XLS format

Displays the Download as XLS option when downloading a historical report from a dashboard.

Assign template custom extended  records to sub-organisations

Provides functionality for assigning custom data export fields to sub-organisations by revealing the Template Records menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

Assign template records to sub-organisations

Provides functionality for assigning historical reports to sub-organisations by revealing the Template Reports menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button

Change Campaign Statuses

Allows supervisors to change the status of an OUTBOUND campaign in a Dial Campaign module by clicking on the Status buttons.

Change an agent's status

Reveals the Change Agent Status event in the Agent Group module's 'Agent Group Event's options list, allowing administrators to display the button for enabling supervisors to toggle an agent's status from Available to Unavailable, or from Unavailable to Available.

Note: the button will work only if the 'Toggle an agent's availability' user right is enabled.

Change an agent's status to Logged Off

Reveals the Log Off Agent event in the 'Agent Group Event's options list, allowing administrators to include the function that enables supervisors to log an agent out of storm.

Clone Dashboards

Reveals the Clone Dashboard button on the Button Bar, allowing administrators to copy dashboards and their contents.

Configure an Agent Group Module to display user groups

Reveals options in the Agent Group module's configuration panel, allowing administrators to choose whether to display statistics for an agent group or a user group.

Configure Custom Extended Records

Provides functionality for creating custom data export fields populated by storm FLOW scripts by revealing the Extended Records menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

Configure real-time agent statistics

Reveals the Agent Group Events options list in the Agent Group module, allowing administrators to control which columns to display in the Individual User Statistics panel.

Configure real-time visual alerting

Reveals the Alert button in the Readout, List, Gauge, Agent Group, and Queues modules for administrators, allowing them to configure an event's value to change colour on reaching chosen thresholds.

Configure report export options

Enables all controls on the data export report Display Options panel and the custom historical report Display Options panel. This allows administrators to configure how historical data export reports and custom historical reports appear on dashboards and in scheduled exports.

Configure widget display options

Reveals options allowing administrators to change the size of the text displayed in real-time module title bars. Where applicable, options for controlling data row heights and resizing modules are also displayed.

See Real-Time Statistics Configuration Tasks.

Create and edit alerts

Provides real-time alert creation functionality by revealing the Alerts menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button

Create and edit custom dimensions

Reveals the New Dimension button in the Dimension selector panel of the Report Builder. This allows administrators to create custom dimensions for breaking up metric values.

Create and edit custom events

Provides custom event creation functionality by revealing the Custom Events menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button

Create and edit DTA user notifications in alerts

Displays the Raise user notification in DTA option on the Raise Action tab of the Alerts configuration dialog.

Create historical reports

Provides historical report creation functionality by revealing the Report Builder menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button, or opens a historical report for editing directly from a dashboard of historical reports.

Create reports with XML export option

Reveals the XML File export option on the data export report Display Options panel and the custom historical report Display Options panel. This allows administrators to export data export reports in XML format and to export custom reports in XML format.

Create tabs for historical reports

Allows administrators to create dashboards for historical reports.

Create tabs for real-time statistics

Download Redresponse recordings

(Restricted use) Displays hyperlinks for the records reported in in the deprecated 'Recording File Name' data export field (FLOW category in the CONTACT Data Records data source). The hyperlinks allow users to download recordings.

Edit Report Access Profiles

Reveals the VIEW Reports access profile in storm STUDIO. This allows administrators to control which historical reports to hide from particular users. See the storm STUDIO User Guide for details about setting up access profiles.

Edit users and user profiles

Provides functionality for editing the user rights documented in this table by revealing the Edit Users menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

Export scheduled reports to an integration

Displays the 'Integration' option on the Export Configuration dialog's 'Export Destination' tab, allowing administrators to export historical reports to an external system (currently Salesforce only).

Note: the 'Integration' option will display only if a Salesforce integration is configured on your system. Contact your account manager for further information about integrating your system to receive data.

Monitor agent calls

Reveals the Supervisor Listen-In event in the 'Agent Group Events' options list, allowing administrators to include the function in individual Agent Group modules.

Queue reports

Provides queued report functionality by revealing the Queued Reports menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

Schedule reports in the past

Reveals all dates before the current day in the Run From options list on the Export Configuration dialog's 'Schedule' tab. This allows administrators to run reports from dates in the past in their export schedules.

Schedule reports to IEX

Populates the Export to WFM options list on the Export Configuration dialog's 'Report' tab with the 'IEX Totalview' option, allowing administrators to export data in a format suitable for the QPC IEX Workforce management system.

Schedule reports to Verint

Populates the Export to WFM options list on the Export Configuration dialog's 'Report' tab with the 'Verint WFO' option, allowing administrators to export data in a format that can be imported into Verint.

Schedule reports to be sent via email or FTP

Provides scheduled historical export report functionality by revealing the Scheduled Reports menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

Share tabs with other users

Reveals the Share Tab button on the Button Bar., allowing supervisors and administrators to share dashboards.

Toggle an agent's availability

Activates the function for enabling supervisors to toggle an agent's status between Available and Unavailable.

Note: you must also enable the 'Change an agent's status' user right so that the button for this feature is available in the Agent Group module's 'Agent Group Event's options list.

Use CKS Export datasource

Reveals the CKS Export data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports for storm CKS scheduled exports.

Use Flow Action Cell Log datasource

Reveals the FLOW Action Cell Log data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports for troubleshooting IVRs and other services created in storm FLOW.

Use LINK Category  in Reports

Reveals the CONTACT Data Records data source's LINK category of data export fields in the Field/Filter selector panels of the Report Builder for historical data export reports and also in the Metric/Filter selector panels for custom historical reports.

Use Vodafone ICR datasource

Deprecated. Do not use.

Use conferencing category in reports

Reveals the CONTACT Data Records data source's MATRIX category of data export fields in the Field/Filter selector panels of the Report Builder for historical data export reports and also in the Metric/Dimension/Filter selector panels for custom historical reports.

View DIAL Status Change Datasource

Reveals the OUTBOUND Status Change data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports for storm OUTBOUND campaigns.

View Licence Usage Datasource

Reveals the Licence Usage data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports showing licence consumption per site and user group in your organisation.

View Organisation Licence Usage Datasource

Reveals the Organisation Licence Usage data source in the Historical Data Source selector of the Report Builder interface. This allows administrators to create historical reports showing licence consumption across your entire organisation.

View Social Media statistics

Reveals the CONTACT Data Records data source's Social Media category of data export fields in the Field/Filter selector panels of the Report Builder for historical data export reports and also in the Metric/Filter selector panels for custom historical reports.

View audit log

Provides functionality for displaying actions performed by users by revealing the Audit Log menu option when an administrator clicks the Settings button.

View real-time DIAL statistics

Reveals the Dial Campaign module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display statistics for storm OUTBOUND campaigns on a real-time dashboard.

View real-time Flow queue statistics

Displays statistics for anonymous queues in the Queues section of in the Real-Time Events Selector. (Anonymous queues are configured in storm FLOW.)

View real-time Planned Calls module

Reveals the Planned Calls module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose to display scheduled retries and callbacks in a storm OUTBOUND campaign.

View real-time agent statistics

Reveals the Agent Group module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display agent group statistics on a real-time dashboard.

View real-time alert updates

Reveals the Alerts module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display currently active message alerts on a real-time dashboard.

View real-time queue group statistics

Reveals the Queue Groups section in the Real-Time Events Selector. This allows administrators to select queue group events for display in the Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Readout, List, Gauge, and Word Cloud modules.

View real-time queue module

Reveals the Queues module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display queue and queue group statistics on a real-time dashboard.

View real-time user states module

Reveals the User States module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display the log-on status of UC, MS Teams, and Meeting Room users on a real-time dashboard.

View real-time word cloud module.

Reveals the Word Cloud module button on the Module palette of an administrator's real-time statistics dashboards. The administrator can then choose whether or not to display statistics according to their relative values on a real-time dashboard.