Dial Campaign Module

Displays real-time statistics for one or more OUTBOUND campaigns.



Data Management Row Status*


Table View

The name of the OUTBOUND campaign table or table view. Clicking a campaign toggles the display of the campaign's table views.



The number of contacts in the campaign/table view. This is the sum of the Completed and Available columns.



The number of contacts that have been dialled and are not scheduled to be called back and also those which have reached their expiry date.



The number of contacts who are available to be dialled because they have not been dialled (Not Dialled), or they have a scheduled callback or retry (from the retry profile) assigned to them (To be Redialled), or OUTBOUND is currently processing them (Active).

This is therefore the sum of the Not Dialled, To Be Redialled, and Active columns.


Not Dialled

The number of contacts in the table view that have not yet been dialled by the campaign.

Not Dialled

To be Redialled

The number of contacts in the table view that have been dialled at least once but are scheduled for a retry at a particular time as configured by the campaign’s retry profile or by an agent-initiated callback. This reflects the value in the In Progress column of the campaign's Data Management table view.

In Progress


The number of contacts that are ready to be dialled now. This includes contacts that have not been dialled (Not Dialled) and those scheduled callbacks and retries with dates/times in the past that are due to be dialled again.

This is therefore the sum of the Not Dialled column and all or part of the To be Redialled column.

The value in brackets indicates the scheduled callback component of the value.

In Progress


The number of records that are currently being processed and for which a result is yet to be returned to the Data Management table view (for example, contacts in an outbound queue and calls in progress).

The value in brackets indicates the scheduled callback component of the value.

An increment of a value in is this column is matched by a decrement of the value in the Ready column.



The number of active dialler agents (that is, agents who are logged in and able to take calls) who can service the queue assigned to the OUTBOUND campaign.



The campaign is running and there is at least one record that is scheduled to be dialled. Clicking this pauses the campaign (if a time of day schedule is active), or stops it.

The campaign is running but there are no more records that are scheduled to be dialled. Clicking this pauses the campaign (if a time-of-day schedule is active), or stops it.

The campaign was paused by the system as a consequence of being outside a time-of-day schedule window and will resume automatically because the campaign’s end time has not yet been reached. Clicking this changes the status to 'Paused'.

The campaign, which uses a time-of-day schedule, was paused manually in the Outbound Campaign summary screen (accessed from the storm Admin Portal) and will resume automatically at the start of the next time-of-day schedule window. Clicking this resumes the campaign but it may pause temporarily if outside a time-of-day schedule window.

The campaign was paused manually either from this module or from the Outbound Campaign summary screen (accessed from the storm Admin Portal) and will resume under manual control. Clicking this resumes the campaign but it may pause temporarily if outside a time-of-day schedule window.

The campaign is not running because it is outside its scheduled start and end time.


* See the Data Management User Guide for details.

How the Column Statistics are Calculated

The diagram below shows how a single record (corresponding to an outbound contact) in an OUTBOUND campaign's Data Management table affects the values displayed in the module's columns.

In this particular scenario, the first call attempt does not connect and is retried according to the campaign's assigned retry profile (triggered by a completion code submitted by the agent). Then, on the second attempt, the call connects and the agent initiates a callback (again, by completion code submission). The third attempt completes without any further retries or callbacks.








Campaign start


Retry profile


Scheduled callback


No retry or scheduled callback








Not Dialled


To be Redialled


To be Redialled

Active (*)































The numbered stages are described below:





Not Dialled, Ready

The record is waiting to be selected by the campaign.



The record is selected causing it to enter an OUTBOUND queue. It is answered by an agent and the result of the call attempt is written to the Data Management table.


To be Redialled

The servicing agent, having selected a completion code that exists in the campaign's assigned Retry profile, causes OUTBOUND to mark the record for a redial.



The retry time is reached.



The record is re-selected. Again, the queued call is answered by an agent and the result of the call attempt is written to the Data Management table.


To be Redialled

The servicing agent, having selected a callback completion code in the DTA agent desktop, causes OUTBOUND to mark the record for another redial.


Ready (*)

The scheduled callback time is reached. The value in brackets increments indicating readiness for a scheduled callback.


Active (*)

The record is re-selected. Once again, the queued call is answered by an agent and the result of the call attempt is written to the Data Management table.

The value in brackets increments indicating an active scheduled callback.



There is no further action to be taken because the record is not marked for a retry or a scheduled callback.

See Configure a Real-Time Dial Campaign Module (administrators only).