FLOW Scripts Events

The following real-time events are available for each FLOW script and auto attendant service in your organisation.

Note: if scripts or services are missing from the list, your storm administrator may have restricted you from seeing them. See Effect of access profiles on dashboard statistics.



<script name> Call Count

The number of communications handled by the script so far today.

The equivalent historical statistic is the Script Calls when dimensioned on Initial Script. See the storm VIEW Historical Data Source Reference Guide for details.

This statistic resets overnight.

<script name> Call Volume

The number of communications currently being handled by the script.

<access method> <channel> Count

<access method> is the unique access point identifier

<type> identifies the channel such as Call or Chat.

The total number of communications received by the script through this access point.

This statistic resets overnight.

Dial Campaign

The following events are available for scripts of type 'Dial'.



Total Records

The number of records in the table view.

Not Dialled

The number of records in the table view that have not yet been dialled by the campaign. Records with an expiry date in the past are included in this count.


The number of records that are currently being processed and for which a result is yet to be returned to the Data Management table view (for example, contacts in an outbound queue and calls in progress).

Active - Not Dialled

The subset of active records that have not yet been dialled at all.

Active - Retry

The subset of active records that are being retried according to the campaign retry profile's retry completion codes.

Active - Failure

The subset of active records that are being retried according to the campaign retry profile's call failure completion codes.

Active - Callback

The subset of active records that are being retried as a result of agent-initiated callbacks.

To Be Redialled

The number of contacts in the table view that have been dialled at least once but are scheduled for a retry at a particular time as configured by the campaign’s retry profile or by an agent-initiated callback.

To Be Redialled - Retries

The subset of To Be Redialled records that are scheduled for a retry according to the campaign retry profile's retry completion codes.

To Be Redialled - Failures

The subset of 'To Be Redialled' records that are scheduled for a retry according to the campaign retry profile's call failure completion codes.

To Be Redialled - Retries and Failures

The subset of 'To Be Redialled' records that are scheduled for a retry according to the campaign retry profile's retry and call failure completion codes.

To Be Redialled - Callbacks

The subset of 'To Be Redialled' records that are being retried as a result of agent-initiated callbacks.


The number of contacts that have been dialled and are not scheduled to be called back and also those which have reached their expiry date.

Ready to Dial

The number of contacts that are ready to be dialled now. This includes contacts that have not been dialled ('Not Dialled') and those scheduled callbacks and retries with dates and times in the past that are due to be dialled again.

Ready to Dial - Not Dialled

The subset of 'Ready to Dial' records that are ready to be dialled but have not been dialled yet.

Ready to Dial - Retries

The subset of 'Ready to Dial' records that are ready to be dialled according to the campaign retry profile's retry completion codes.

Ready to Dial - Failures

The subset of 'Ready to Dial' records that are ready to be dialled according to the campaign retry profile's call failure completion codes.

Ready to Dial - Retries and Failures

The subset of 'Ready to Dial' records that are ready to be dialled according to the campaign retry profile's retry and call failure completion codes.

Ready to Dial - Callbacks

The subset of 'Ready to Dial' records that are ready to be dialled as a result of agent-initiated callbacks.


The number of records in the table view that have reached their expiry date.


The number of records that have been excluded from the table view. See the DATA MANAGEMENT User Guide for information on how rows are excluded from tables.

Custom Events

Custom events are the event counters set up in FLOW scripts by the service designer.

If you want to display values for an event counter that is configured in a subsidiary (linked) script for interactions that are arriving through its parent script, you must select the custom event via the parent script as shown below.

In the illustration above, the parent script named 'Monumental IVR' is designed to call the subsidiary script named 'Monumental Survey'. The latter contains the event counter named 'Option 1' whose values the administrator wants to display for interactions arriving through the 'Monumental IVR' parent script.

This is instead of selecting the counter directly in the 'Monumental Survey' script as shown below. This configuration, rather than displaying 'Option 1' event counter values for calls arriving through the parent script, will display values for any interactions that call 'Monumental Survey' directly.

Consult the service designer or FLOW script for more information about custom events.