Apply a Global Filter to a Historical Reports Dashboard

This is a procedural topic for administrators describing how to apply a one or more filters to all historical reports on a dashboard.

Filtering allows you to hide historical data that you do not wish to display or download. For example, you may wish to filter reports to see statistics for a named agent or queue only.



  1. Click the historical reports dashboard that you wish to filter and then run the report to show data.

  2. Click on the Button Bar.

  3. On the dashboard's filter bar, click Add Filter.

  1. Select a filter from the list of filters and then click OK.

Tip: to quickly locate a filter, use the browser's search function (keyboard; Ctrl + F)

  1. In the Configure Filter dialog, choose one or more values to filter on. To help you to locate values in a long list, type the value in the search field and then click Search.

Click OK to apply the filter.

The filter is applied:

  1. Include other filters if required.

  2. Click to hide the filter bar.

Note: the filter setting is retained if you navigate to another dashboard tab.

Types of Filter

Filters can be of the following types:

Filter type

How it works

List of options

Includes or excludes values from a list of limited values, such as names of agents, agent groups, and queues. For example:

Note: if filters are missing, your storm administrator may have restricted you from seeing them. See Effect of Access Profiles on Dashboard Statistics.

Boolean values

Selects one of two values. For example:

Logic statement for numeric values

Defines a range of values using a relational operator (such as 'equal to' or 'greater than') and a numeric value. For example:

Depending on what is selected as the first relational operator, additional AND or OR conditions can be used.

Logic statement for strings

Defines whole or partial strings using a relational operator (such as 'equal to' or 'starts with') and a string value. For example:

Depending on what is selected as the first relational operator, additional OR conditions can be used.

Explore Further

Filters in a Historical Data Export Report

Filters in a Custom Historical Report