SMS Panels


SMS Panel

SMS - Compose Panel

SMS - Unprocessed Panel

You can operate this panel by using your mouse or keyboard (see Accessibility Features).

SMS Panel

This is displayed automatically when you receive an SMS message.







Label 1


Panel help and control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Reject Call button

Expands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Reject Call button

Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking its  SMS button in the Interactions Panel.

Close Information Panel button

Closes the panel. This is available only when you have handled the message.

Label 2


Sender number

Displays the telephone number of the sender.

Label 3


SMS messages

Displays the messages in the active session. The messages are colour-coded.


Received messages


Sent messages.

Label 4


Message handling buttons

Use one of these buttons to perform an action.

Reply to SMS. Displays an SMS Reply sub-panel at the bottom of the panel for you to reply to the sender.

Shown below the editable field is the number of characters in the reply and the number of SMS messages that will be needed to send the reply.

Allows you to insert predefined text into the reply.

Alternatively, press the keyboard Ctrl + / keys. If you accidentally select the wrong template, you can use the keyboard Ctrl + Z keys to undo the insertion.

Closes the SMS Reply sub-panel without sending a reply.

Sends the reply.

Mark SMS as Done. Use this to complete the conversation without replying to the message. The action is logged in your transaction history and in storm RECORDER.

Requeue SMS. Use this to send the message to the queue it came in from.

Ignore SMS. Use this to transfer all of the messages in this and previous sessions to another queue.

Delete. Deletes the message and removes it from the system.

If you are a supervisor who is allowed to intercept an agent's sent message (via the storm supervisor approval system for trainee agents), use the following buttons to, edit, decline or approve such a message.


Opens a sub-panel allowing you to edit the message and then send it to its destination.


Sends the message to the list of unprocessed messages instead of to its recipient. See SMS - Unprocessed Panel, below.


Sends the message to its destination.

SMS - Compose Panel

This panel is displayed when you click the  button on the Toolbar.







Label 1


Panel help and control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Reject Call button

Expands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Reject Call button

Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking its  Compose SMS button in the Interactions Panel.

Close Information Panel button

Closes the panel without sending or saving any changes.

Label 2


Origination and destination details

The From field is prepopulated with an origination address as configured by your administrator. Some configurations may allow you to select an alternative 'From' address to show to the recipient.

Use the To field to specify the message destination as a mobile telephone number or a short code.

Label 3


SMS Message Templates button

Allows you to insert predefined text into the message.

Alternatively, press the keyboard Ctrl + / keys. If you accidentally select the wrong template, you can use the keyboard Ctrl + Z keys to undo the insertion.

Label 4


'Start Typing' field

Your message. The bottom of this section indicates the number of typed characters and the number of concatenated SMS messages that will be required to send the text.

Label 5


Send button

Sends the message to the destination in the To field.

SMS - Unprocessed Panel

This is accessed by clicking an unprocessed SMS message in the Unprocessed Messages Panel.

Use this panel to handle unprocessed SMS messages.







Label 1


Panel help and control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Reject Call button

Expands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Reject Call button

Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking its  SMS button in the Interactions Panel.

Close Information Panel button

Closes the panel and cancels the action of handling the unprocessed message.

Label 2


Sender number

Displays the telephone number of the sender.

Label 3


SMS messages

Displays the messages in the active session. The messages are colour-coded.


Received messages


Sent messages

Label 4


Message handling buttons

If you are an agent, use one of the following buttons to perform an action on the message. These buttons are not available if the message is awaiting approval by your supervisor.

Reply to SMS. Displays an SMS Reply sub-panel at the bottom of the panel for you to reply to the sender. See SMS Panel for details.

Delete. Deletes the message and removes it from the system.

If you are a supervisor who previously prevented an agent's message from being sent to its destination (via the storm supervisor approval system for trainee agents), use the following buttons to perform the desired action.

Deletes the message and removes it from the system.

Opens a sub-panel, allowing you to edit the message and then send it to its destination.


No action is taken and the message remains in the list of unprocessed messages.


Sends the message to its destination.

See Also

Handle an Incoming SMS Text Message

Compose an SMS Text Message

Handle your Unprocessed Messages