Compose an SMS Text Message

You can compose one SMS text message at a time.

  1. Click the  button on the Toolbar. This displays the SMS - Compose Panel.

  1. If permitted, click the  button to the right of the From field to present an alternative origination address to the recipient.
  2. Use the To field to enter the recipient's mobile telephone number or short code.
  3. Type a message in the Start Typing field. If required, use the  SMS Message Templates button or press the keyboard Ctrl + / keys to insert predefined text into the message. If you accidentally select the wrong template, you can use the keyboard Ctrl + Z keys to undo the insertion.
  4. Click the  button to send the text message.

Note: when composing a message, you will remain in the 'Available' status unless you manually set yourself to an unavailable status. If you remain available, further interactions may be routed to you while you are composing the message.