Create and Assign Extension Numbers

You can create and then assign extension numbers to users and treatments (for example, hunt groups or a supervisor listen-in service). You can create the extensions singly or import them from a file in bulk.

  1. (If you are importing extensions from file) Prepare the file as a single-column list of extensions and save this in CSV format.
  2. Select Routing > Extensions > Add Extensions.
  3. Use the Select Creation Type panel to choose how you wish to create the extension(s).

  1. Use the context-sensitive fields to provide the extension(s) you wish to create.

Note: extensions must not begin with emergency numbers such as 999 or 112.

  1. Click the add/import button to add or import the extension(s).
  2. To assign one or more of the extensions, click Routing > Extensions > Extension Mapping.
  3. Use the Extension options list to select the extension to assign.

  1. Use the Mapping Type options list to choose the type of item to assign the extension to (to assign to a hunt group, a pickup group, a paging group, a ACD treatment/queue, a shared voicemail service, a dial-in disaster recovery service, a remote agent status change service, or a supervisor listen-in service, choose 'Treatment').
  2. Use the last panel to select the item to assign the extension to (for example, a particular user or a particular hunt group).
  3. Click Update Assignment.