FLOW Variables in Historical Reports

Administrators only

In addition to the FLOW data that is written to the standard data export fields in the Contact Data Records data source (FLOW category), FLOW can also record service information in variables.

Miscellaneous Fields 1 to 20

There are 20 data export fields (named Miscellaneous Field 1 to Miscellaneous Field 20) in the Contact Data Records data source. Each field displays any call data written to the corresponding CDR variable in a FLOW script.





A FLOW script using CDR variables.

A VIEW data export report reporting on the content of the CDR variables.

Extended Records

If a FLOW script needs to use variables above and beyond those provided by the miscellaneous fields, you can consider using extended records.

An extended record is a set of between 1 and 250 custom data export fields. The record must first be defined in VIEW and then included in FLOW scripts using the Set VIEW Data action cell.





An extended record of data export fields defined by you in VIEW. You can share this with your sub-organisations.

The extended record being used in FLOW.

A VIEW data export report reporting on the content of the variables when the script runs.

Note: custom data fields of any data type can be used as a filter in data export reports or custom reports. However, only custom data fields of data type String, Integer, and DateTime can be used as dimensions in custom reports.

Note: the maximum number of fields you can define (per custom record) is 50 of each data type; and the maximum permitted length of a custom record is approximately 3900 bytes. (If you are using a Latin character set, 1 character is equivalent to 1 byte; for non-Latin character sets, this ratio may be different.) When a custom record is written, all data of any type other than string is written to the database first. Any string fields that have been populated are then allocated an equal share of the remaining space, and may be truncated.

See also, Create an Extended Record.