Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Real-Time Statistics FAQs

  1. Can a real-time dashboard alert users when certain statistical values are reached? Answer

  2. In the Agent Group module, why is the sum of 'Failed calls' and 'Answered' statistic less than 'Total Incoming' statistic? Answer

  3. Why is there a discrepancy between the ‘Total Incoming’ statistics in my Agent Group module and the ‘Total Entered’ statistics in my Queues module? Answer

Historical Statistics FAQs

  1. Why is a metric in my historical report not reporting the correct value? Answer

  2. In the Contact Data Records data source, the value reported in the Time to Connect field is greater than the sum of the time spent in the IVR and the time spent in the queue prior to connection. Should they be equal? Answer

  3. In the Contact Data Records data source, the sum of the values in the Talk Time and Time To Connect fields is not the same as the Call duration. Should they always be equal? Answer

  4. The Talk Time reported in the Contact Actions data source is slightly higher than the value reported in the equivalent Talk Time field in the Contact Data Records data source. Why are they not equal? Answer

  5. Why is data missing from my data export report? Answer

  6. How can I report on the number of incoming calls from the same number? Answer

Real-Time Versus Historical Statistics FAQs

  1. Why is my real-time Agent Group module showing more incoming calls than I see in my historical report? Answer

  2. Why is my real-time Agent group module showing a different number of outgoing calls than I see in my historical report? Answer

  3. Why do the number of failed calls in my real-time Agent Group module not match the number of abandoned calls in my historical report? Answer

  4. Why is there a mismatch between 24-hour real-time and equivalent historical reports for the ‘same day’? Answer