FAQ 2: Historical Statistics


In the Contact Data Records data source, the value reported in the Time to Connect field is greater than the sum of the time spent in the IVR and the time spent in the queue prior to connection. Should they be equal?


No, they may not be equal as there are other measurements involved in the calculation. It also depends on the path of the communication.

The Time to Connect field actually includes the Call Set Up Time, the Accepted Duration, any Time Spent in IVR, any queue wait times, and ringing durations. Not all of these are shown in the illustration above.

storm may take a small amount of time to process an incoming call, therefore the call set up time is usually very small.

See also Incoming Call Duration Chart (CONTACT Data Records).

Also included in the Time to Connect calculation is a short duration between a call leaving the IVR and entering a queue (where the call is being routed from FLOW to the UC/CONTACT application). There is also a very short duration (in the order of milliseconds) between the caller leaving a queue and connecting to an agent. The call connected timer starts when the call connects to an agent.