FAQ 3: Real-time Versus Historical Statistics


Why do the number of failed calls in my real-time Agent Group module not match the number of abandoned calls in my historical report?


In VIEW real-time statistics, failed calls are defined as those that were routed to agents but not answered because the ringing timeout was reached, the agent became unavailable, or the system failed to route the contact for some other reason. A failed call is returned to the front of the queue from where it is re-routed to an available agent in the group. In contrast, an abandoned call is considered to be one where the caller hung up whilst waiting in the queue. This is sometimes referred to as a 'call lost in queue'.

The historical metric Failed Calls in the VIEW library of standard metrics returns the same result as the Failed Calls statistic in the Agent Group module. See Metrics in CONTACT Data Records. This metric is also available in the standard historical report Agent Groups delivered with VIEW.

For abandoned calls, the historical metrics Calls Lost in Queue and Calls Lost in Queue (5-30s) are used in the standard historical report Voice Queues delivered with VIEW.