View All Unprocessed Messages

Supervisors only

This allows you to see all messages (such as emails, SMS, and social media messages) that were ignored or not handled by agents, or were not routed to them as a result of a system error. Also, if the storm supervisor approval system has routed messages to you and you have previously prevented particular messages from being sent to their destinations, use this panel to reconsider approving or deleting those messages.


  1. Click the  button on the Toolbar. This displays the Unprocessed Messages Panel.

  1. Click the message that you want to handle and then handle it accordingly (as described in Handle an Incoming SMS Text Message and Handle an Incoming Email, for example).

If the Cancel and Approve buttons are shown in the message handling panel, the message is one that you  previously declined (that is, prevented it from being sent to its destination via the storm supervisor approval system).

Re-read the message and then indicate your decision by doing one of the following:



Approve the message

Click the Approve button. The message is sent to its intended destinations.

Edit the message

(SMS messages only) Click the button and then edit the message in the sub-panel that is displayed.

Click the  button to send the edited message to its destination. Click the Close button to close the panel.

Delete the message

Click the  Delete button. The message is permanently removed from the system.

Do nothing

Click the Cancel button. The message remains in the list of unprocessed messages from where you can revisit it later.