Activity Log Panel

This is accessed by clicking the  button on the Toolbar.

Use this panel to see a breakdown of your personal activity on any day in the rolling seven-day period and to see real-time statistics for the agent groups of which you are a member.

You can operate this panel by using your mouse or keyboard (see Accessibility Features).







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Panel control buttons

Reject Call button

Expands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking the  Activity Log button on the Toolbar.

Close Information Panel button

Closes the panel.

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These are shown only if you have the user rights to see both the activity log and group statistics.

Activity Log


Displays a breakdown of your personal activity on any day in the rolling seven-day period. See Activity Log Tab below.

Group Statistics


Displays real-time statistics for the agent groups of which you are a member. See Group Statistics Tab below.

Activity Log Tab

Voicemail panel with 4 labels, numbered 1 to 4






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Activity Date

Displays the date for which the panel is displaying statistics. Click the  and  buttons to display statistics for another day in the rolling seven-day period.

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Today/Yesterday buttons

Click these to display statistics for today or yesterday. 

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Displays your availability and interaction-handling statistics for the selected day. Today's statistics are highlighted in green.

The statistics that you see here are configured by your storm administrator.

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Filter button

Allows you to filter the Status Duration list (below).

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Refresh button

(Today's statistics only) Updates the panel to display today's latest real-time statistics.

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Status Durations

The list of statuses that you entered into on the selected day. The time when you entered each status and your duration in each is also displayed.

Group Statistics Tab

Voicemail panel with 4 labels, numbered 1 to 4






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Agent group statistics

Displays the statistics for each agent group of which you are a member. The statistics have the following meanings:

Waiting Callers


The number of contacts who are waiting to be serviced by agents in this group.

Available Agents


The number of available agents in the group.

Busy Agents


The number of agents in the group who are not available to service callers. This is the arithmetic difference between Logged On Agents and Available Agents.

Logged On Agents


The number of agents in the group who are currently logged in to DTA.



Service Level Agreement. The number of interactions that have been answered by agents in this group as a percentage of the total number of offered interactions in the group. If 'n/a' is displayed, this means that no interactions have yet been offered to agents in the group.

A '?' symbol in place of a value indicates that the value for that statistic is currently unknown or cannot be calculated.

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Scroll buttons

Indicates the number of agent groups who are currently in view and the total number of agent groups of which you are a member. Use the arrow buttons to see agent groups who are not currently visible in the panel.

Reject Call button

Displays the first page of items.

Reject Call button

Displays the previous page of items.

Reject Call button

Displays the next page of items.

Close Information Panel button

Displays the last page of items.

See Also

View your Activity Log

See Agent Group Statistics