Create Users

You can create users singly or in bulk. Each user is assigned a user type, which can be one of the following:

User Type



PBX User (fixed seat)

The user can access standard UC functions. (This user type is provided to support a legacy licensing model.)


Meeting Room

This user type is used to assign licences to devices such as meeting room conference phones or fax devices that do not require advanced features such as voicemail or call forwarding.


PBX User

The user can access standard UC functions.


Inbound Agent

The user can access standard UC functions, and also work as a CONTACT agent handling inbound calls only.


Dialler Agent

The user can access standard UC functions, and also work as a CONTACT agent handling inbound and outbound calls.



The user can access standard UC functions, and work as an inbound and outbound CONTACT agent; and is able to monitor and control agent groups assigned to them.


CONTACT Switchboard Operator

Provides access to Switchboard functionality to allow the user to manage voice calls and non-voice communications.


PBX Switchboard Operator

Provides access to Switchboard functionality to allow the user to manage voice calls.


Supervisor Switchboard Operator

Provides access to Switchboard functionality and to Supervisor functionality (described above) to allow the user to supervise non-voice communications.


MS Teams User

The user can access standard UC functions, and can also use MS Teams (instead of storm DTA) to make and receive calls.


The user type assigned to a user governs what licence they will need.

In addition to the above user types, UC and CONTACT also has administrators, who are able to perform system configuration. Administrators are set up for you by Content Guru.

Automated User Provisioning

storm supports the use of Microsoft Active Directory (powered by Microsoft’s System for Cross-domain Identity (SCIM) technology) to allow your organisation to populate the storm database with details of users taken from a corporate directory maintained outside of storm. Your organisation is able to add, amend and delete user details in Active Directory, with the storm database kept synchronised with your external database. You can determine the frequency of updates, and which storm fields are to be updated. Your Content Guru support representative can provide you with further information, and with instructions for configuring your system to integrate with storm in this way.

If a storm user’s details are subject to updates using SCIM, their icon in the View Users screen includes a star, as illustrated below.

In addition, if your organisation uses storm/SCIM technology an additional field is present - Managed User - Record ID - which holds the user’s unique ID in your corporate directory.

Adding a Single User

  1. Ensure that you have created at least one user group and one service type.
  2. Select Users > Add User.
  3. If the user is already known to the system, click the Create UC Account for Existing option. Otherwise, leave the Create New User option selected.
  4. On the Select User Role panel, ensure that the Standard User option is selected. The other options are included for backwards compatibility.
  5. On the Personal Details panel, enter the user's forename, surname, and your chosen username. The remaining fields are optional.

  1. Select Show Extended Details to display further fields for recording additional details about the user.

Note: if your organisation has implemented Phonebook functionality, any custom user fields created by storm administrators in DTA are listed here, so that they can be populated with suitable values. See the DTA User Guide for information on creating custom user fields.

  1. On the Password panel, enter the user's password for use with the DTA interface.

In addition to any rules imposed by your organisation, the password must be at least nine characters long and must not contain the user's first name, last name, username or organisation name. If your organisation has been enabled to use two-factor authentication (that is, the user logs on using their password, and is then sent a code to be used to provide additional validation) select the Enable Two-Factor Authentication check box. Use the fields that appear to select whether the code is to be sent via email or SMS, and enter the contact email address or mobile number for the user.

  1. On the User Details panel, select the user's user group, the site, and the user type as a minimum. Also change the Initial Status to 'Active' if the user is ready to start using the system.

General Settings



Select this check box if the site where the device is located may vary.

Note: this setting is important for emergency calls to services such as 112 and 999. If a device is set to Roaming, emergency calls will be presented to emergency operators with a code indicating that the caller may not be at the registered location for the device. Any devices which may be used at alternative locations must have this option selected.

Inherit Outgoing Domain Settings?

Select this check box if the user is to inherit the organisation's outbound domain settings. To configure individual outbound domain settings for the user, clear this check box and use the fields that appear to define those settings.

CLI Presentation

The number presented as the calling party's number on outbound calls made by this user. Options are:

Use Service Type Default: the value provided by the service type.

Organisation: the organisation's number.

Destination Address: deprecated, do not use.

Other CLI: a custom CLI (for example the user's DDI).

Note: for calls to mobile networks, the CLI presented on the mobile device might not match what is entered here. This is because mobile networks choose to use either the presentation or network CLI.

Site CLI: the CLI defined for the site where the user is currently logged in.

Network CLI

Provided for backward compatibility. Do not use.

User Type

The user type.

Initial Status

Set this to 'Pre-active' until you are ready for the user to start using the system. Setting it to 'Active' allocates the required licences to the user.

Note: changing a user's status from 'Pre-active' to 'Active' is not reversible (after saving the user details). Set a user to 'Pre-active' if the user is still required but is currently not needed to be 'Active'.

Ringback Tone

Select either a specific ringback tone or 'Use Service Type Default' to use the ringback tone set up for the service type assigned to this user.

SIP Endpoint Device

Select this option when the user will be using a device connected to the organisation's legacy PBX. Ensure the user is assigned an extension in a range/prefix mapped to a SIP endpoint.

PSTN Device

This option is used in conjunction with the DTA. If you select this option, the Outbound telephone number field is displayed. Enter the number that will be dialled when the system makes an outbound call to the user.

Note: if you clear this feature for a user, their PSTN device is immediately logged out, meaning that they will no longer receive calls.

Lync Agent?

Select this if contacts are to be routed to this user's registered MS Skype for Business account (instead of their iPath account). The following field is displayed:

Use Username as Lync Account?: this is selected by default, indicating that the user's UC username will be used as the identifier for their Skype for Business account. If you clear the check box, enter the unique identifier for this user's existing MS Skype for Business account in the Lync Account field.

Padlock Username/
Padlock Password

These allow you to provide credentials to be used instead of the default PADLOCK merchant credentials that are sent to the organisation's payment interface for transactions initiated by this user.

Speed Dial Profile

Select the speed dial profile to be assigned to this user. The profile you assign here overrides any speed dial profile assigned at user group or organisation level.

  1. On the User Pairing Details panel, either leave or overwrite the user code (starcode) that the user will use to log in to an IP phone. Enter the security code that is required for log in in both fields provided.
  2. On the Select Service panel, select the service type (feature set) to assign to the user.
  1. Click Add User.

Adding Multiple Users (In Bulk)

  1. Select Users > Export Users and then Continue.
  2. Open the exported CSV file and add new user details under the existing column headings. You must provide a valid password in the Password column.
  3. Save the edited file.
  4. Select Users > Import Users.
  5. Set Reassign user extensions? as required, then follow the on-screen instructions. (See the description of the Extension field for an explanation of what Reassign user extensions? controls.)

As the file is imported, storm calculates what licences are needed and advises you of any shortfall.

The CSV file must contain a header row with the following fields:

Forename,Surname,Username,Password,Home Tel,Work Tel,Work E-mail,Work Fax,Mobile,Personal E-mail,User Group,CLI Presentation Type,User Type,Status,IP Address,Ringtone ID,Star Code,Security Code, Service Type,Extension,Destination Addresses,Billing Account,Alternative Number,Whisper Prompt?,Forward Internal to Voicemail on Busy?,Forward External to Voicemail on Busy?,Disable Mailbox PIN?,Mailbox PIN,Mailbox Intro Type,Mailbox E-mail Address,E-mail Notification?,E-mail Attachment?,Max Mailbox Messages,Recording Service,Outbound Call Barring Profile,Site, Roaming?,storm Contact Agent?,Supervisor,PSTN Device?,Persistent Inbound Enabled?,Persistent Outbound Enabled?,Persistent Routing DDI?,Network CLI Type,Restrict CLI?,Lync Agent?,Use Username as Lync Account?,Lync Account,Recording Mode,SAP User?,Use Username as SAP Account?,SAP Account,CRM User?,Use Username as CRM Account?,CRM Account,Require Agent Desktop Logon?,Domain,Inherit Outgoing Domain?,Outgoing Domain,Use Outgoing Domain in From Address,Specify Outgoing From Domain,Outgoing From Domain,Speed Dial Profile2,FA User?,2FA Method,2FA SMS Number,2FA Email Address,Use Outgoing Domain for PSTN Agent Calls,MS Teams DDI ,MS Teams Azure ID,Miscellaneous 1,Miscellaneous 2,storm WFM Contract Template

Note: if your organisation has implemented Phonebook functionality, any custom user fields are included in the CSV file, using as their column headings the field names given to them when they were created. See the DTA User Guide for information on setting up custom user fields.

The on-screen field descriptions explain what these fields hold. The following table provides additional information, where necessary:

Column heading

Field on Add User Screen




Blank in the exported file. Provide passwords for new users. To overwrite an existing user's password, provide the new password in the field.

Home Tel

Home Telephone


Work Tel

Work Telephone


Work Email

Work E-mail


Work Fax

Work Fax





Personal Email

Personal E-mail


User Group

User Group

If the user group does not exist, one will be created with the type 'Department' and the parent 'Organisation '. If left blank, the user will not be placed in a user group and the import log will show a warning.

CLI Presentation Type

CLI Presentation

-1: Service type default

1: Organisation CLI

4: Site CLI

Or enter a full CLI. This must be a valid CLI for the organisation.

User Type

User Type



Initial Status

0: Pre-Active

1: Active

Note: a user's status cannot be set to 'Pre-Active' once the account has been active.

IP Address


Leave blank unless instructed otherwise.

Ringtone ID

Ringback tone

-1: Service type default

Or enter the name of the ringtone.

User Code

Star Code

Enter specific digits (5 to 7 digits) or leave blank to auto-generate a 5-digit code.

Security Code

Security Code


Service Type


-1: Service type default

Or enter the name of the service type.



The user's extension. If it does not exist, the system will create it.

storm does not allow you to assign the same extension to more than one user. If the import file includes the same extension against more than one user, the import will fail.


If you import user details that include an extension that is already assigned to another user:

If Reassign user extensions? is not selected, the iimport will complete, but with an error message against the row that contained the duplicate extension.

If Reassign user extensions? is selected, the extension is assigned to the user whose details are being imported, and removed from the user to whom it was previously assigned.

Destination Addresses


Leave blank unless instructed otherwise.

Billing Account

Billing Account

-1: Service type default

Or enter the user's account serial number.

Alternative Number

Alternative Number (in Extended Details)


Whisper Prompt?


0: No whisper prompt

1: System speaks caller's CLI before call is answered

Forward Internal to Voicemail on Busy?


0: No forwarding rule to set

1: System will create a forwarding rule

Disable Mailbox PIN?


0: Enabled

1: Disabled

Mailbox Intro Type


0: Default greeting

1: Personal greeting

2: Mailbox number

Mailbox Email Address


The email address for the voicemail notification.

Email Notification?


0: Off

1: On

Email Attachment?


0: Voicemail message not attached with Email Notification

1: Voicemail message attached with Email Notification

Max Mailbox Messages


Leave blank for unlimited.

Recording Service


Relates to the drop-down menu in the Configure Recording section of Edit User Services. Enter the name of the required recording service type from this list (typically 'Default' or 'Record All Calls').

Outbound Call Barring Profile

Outbound Call Barring Profile

Leave blank if no profile configured.






0: User will always log in from the same site

1: User may log in from multiple sites

storm Contact Agent?


Leave blank or do not change. Provided to support legacy systems.



Leave blank or do not change. Provided to support legacy systems.

PSTN Device?

PSTN Device

0: Disabled

1: Enabled

Network CLI Type

Network CLI

-1: Service type default

1: Organisation CLI

4: Site CLI

Or, enter a full CLI. This must be a valid CLI for the organisation.

Restrict CLI?

Restrict CLI

0: CLI not withheld

1: CLI withheld

Lync Agent?

Lync Agent?

0: No

1: Yes

Use Username as Lync Account?

Use Username as Lync Account?

0: No

1: Yes

Lync Account

Lync Account


Recording Mode


Sets the recording mode for the user's recording account, if available. Enter one of:

  • On Demand (not supported if your organisation uses storm integrated with Verint)
  • All Calls
  • All Internal Calls
  • All External Calls
  • Inbound External Calls
  • Outbound External Calls

SAP User?

SAP User?

0: No

1: Yes

Use Username as SAP Account?

Use Username as SAP Account?

0: No

1: Yes

SAP Account

SAP Account

(If field SAP User? and Use Username as SAP Account? = 0) Name of the user's SAP account

CRM User?

CRM User?

0: No

1: Yes

Use Username as CRM Account?

Use Username as CRM Account?

0: No

1: Yes

CRM Account

CRM Account

(If field CRM User? and Use Username as CRM Account? = 0) Name of the user's CRM account

Require Agent Desktop Logon?

Require Agent Desktop Logon?

0 = No

1 = Yes

Speed Dial Profile

Speed Dial Profile

0 = User has no speed dial profile.

Or provide the name of the speed dial profile to be assigned to the user.


Enable Two-Factor Authentication

0 = Two-factor authentication is not enabled for the use.

1 = Two-factor authentication is enabled for the user. The method and mobile number/email address must be provided.



0 = SMS

1 = Email

SMS Number

Mobile Number

The mobile number to which the two-factor authentication code is to be sent.

Email Address

Email Address

The email address to which the two-factor authentication code is to be sent.

Use Outgoing Domain for PSTN Agent Calls



MS Teams DDI

MS Teams DDI


MS Teams Azure ID

MS Teams Azure ID


Miscellaneous 1

Miscellaneous 1


Miscellaneous 2

Miscellaneous 2


Editing Multiple Users at the Same Time

You are able to amend certain details of more than one user at once - for example, to move them all into the same user group, to set them all to have the same call barring profile, and to assign services.

  1. Select the Users > Edit Multiple Users menu option.

  2. Highlight the users whose details you wish to change.
  3. Use the fields provided to select each of the values that is to be applied to the selected users. If you leave a field set at 'Unchanged', then users will retain their existing settings for that option.
  4. Click Update Users to apply your changes.

Import Error Log

Import logs contain useful troubleshooting information if problems occur when uploading CSV files.

  1. Click the View Detailed Import Log link to open the error log.
  2. The line number shown relates to the equivalent line in the CSV file, to help when correcting the error.

View User Summary

The user summary page allows administrators to view the configuration associated with the selected user.

To view a user summary:

  1. Click Users > User Summary.
  2. Select a user from the drop-down list.

The details shown will vary depending on the groups that the user is a member of, and the settings that have been applied to the user.

Click the + next to the queue name to expand the information shown, to include matching rule details.