View Licences

Most features in UC/CONTACT are licenced and you can see the number of available and used licences in your organisation.

  1. Select Organisations > Licensing > Licence Mapping. This displays the availability and usage of user licence types.

  1. To display feature and/or product licences, select the check boxes at the top of the screen and then click the Refresh button.




The name of the organisation that has been assigned the licences.

Active Users

The number of users which have been created and have also been assigned the 'Active' status.

Note: users with the initial status set to 'Pre-Active' are not counted here.

Licence Type

The type of licence purchased.


The total number of base licences purchased.


The number of base licences that have been assigned to active users.


The number of base licences that have been assigned within the last 3 months and can still be re-assigned, if required.


The number of base licences which are assigned, plus the number of base licences which are Reusable.

Concurrent Logons - Total

The total number of concurrent licences purchased.

Concurrent Used

The number of concurrent licences that are currently in use.

Concurrent Available

The number of concurrent licences that are currently available.

Contingency Logons - Total

The total number of contingency licences purchased.

Contingency Used

The number of contingency licences that are currently in use by logged-in users.

Contingency Max Used

The maximum number of contingency licences that have been used so far this month. This is the number that is billed for.

Contingency Available

The number of contingency licences that are currently available.

Active - Billing Period

The number of users whose status has been 'Active' at any point during the current monthly billing period.

Licence Types

storm uses a combination of licence types to allow access to features:

Concurrent Licensing

Licensing for CONTACT agent and supervisor seats is based on a concurrent usage model. All contact centre agents and supervisors require a base licence. The base licence enables a named user to be created on the platform. In addition to this base licence, organisations must purchase a number of concurrent seat licences. Concurrent seat licences allow a single user access to the system, and are shared between base users. (Agents can only log in to use services if feature licences are also available – see Feature licensing, below.)

This licensing model is designed to support the modern working environment where organisations have opening hours outside of the traditional 9-5 day, flexi-time working, zero-contract hours etc., and where reserve capacity may need to be maintained in case of unstructured demand. For those organisations where all agents are required to use the system at the same time, the same number of base and concurrent licences should be ordered.

Feature Licensing

Feature licences can be assigned to named users to enable functionality such as SMS, email, web chat, voice, call recording, reporting, and conferencing. Some features are provided on a concurrent usage basis, such that the number of concurrent feature licences ordered represents the number of users who can use that feature at the same time.

Some features which are typically required by the whole team, such as PADLOCK and CTI integration, are provided on a fixed seat basis. This means that the feature licence can only be assigned to a single named user, and only that user can log in to use it.

Note: for agents handling multiple types of communications (for example calls, email, web chat or social media), when they log in, if certain channel licences are unavailable, they will be notified. They can still handle any channels that they have acquired licences for.

Contingency Licensing

In addition to concurrent seats, it is possible to purchase contingency seats for some types of users and features. A contingency seat is a reserve concurrent seat kept in hand for times when demand means that an organisation needs more agents logged in and using services at the same time.

Contingency seats are charged at the full price when the contingency seats are in use in order to maintain the extra capacity.

A full monthly concurrent seat or feature licence fee is charged for each contingency licence used in a month.  

Fixed Seat Licensing

Licensing for administrators, UC users, VIEW, RECORDER, and certain agent features is based on a fixed seat model. This means that a fixed seat or feature licence is assigned to a single named user and only that user can log in to use those services. Administrators also require an RSA security key for two-factor authentication.

Reassigning Base Licences

Each base licence can be re-assigned once every 90 days. If a base licence is assigned to a user who is deleted within 90 days (because, for example, they leave the organisation), that base licence can be reassigned once, but it cannot be reassigned a second time until the 90-day period expires.

The screen below shows the number of base licences which can be reassigned. This is displayed in the Reusable column.

Note: Available = Total – Used + Reusable.