Key to Symbols in Interaction Duration Charts
Each chart shows interaction durations for a particular communication scenario as measured by the duration fields in a historical data source. The bold labels at the top of each chart show each stage of the communication scenario from left to right. Some stages may not be entered into by a call.
Each coloured bar is a duration between two points in the communication scenario. The thin dark line marks the start of the duration; the thicker line
at the other end of bar marks the end of the duration. A start or end time does not have a duration and is denoted by a thin dark line.
Shown below are examples from the Durations in Incoming Voice Interactions duration chart. It shows that the 'Time Spent in IVR' duration starts when a call enters an IVR up to the point the call leaves the IVR to, typically, enter a queue. The 'Last Queue Wait Time' duration shows that the wait duration in the original queue ends when the call is connected to an agent but can also end when the call is transferred to another queue. The 'Original Callback Wait Duration' shows that the wait duration in a queue can start when the caller enters the original queue or a queue to which they have been transferred.
Start call |
storm access point |
Enter IVR |
Leave IVR
Enter queue |
Enter transfer queue |
Request callback |
Callback |
Agent phone ring |
(connected) Agent answer |
Initiate transfer or Hold call |
Commit Conference or Complete transfer or Resume call |
End call |
End wrap |