Web Switchboard Panels

Switchboard operators only

Web Switchboard Panel

Queue Selection Panel

Queue Summary Panel

You can operate this panel by using your mouse or keyboard (see Accessibility Features).

Web Switchboard Panel

This is accessed by clicking the  button on the Toolbar.







Label 1


Panel control buttons

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking the  Web Switchboard button on the Toolbar.

Close Information Panel button

Closes the panel.

Label 2


Display mode buttons

Use these buttons to change how the queue panels are displayed.

Individual Queue Display. Displays each queue in its own panel.

Grouped Queue display. Displays all queues in a one panel.

All Entrants display. (Supervisors) Switches to a view showing all entrants waiting in all queues.

Label 3


Personal waiting area

Displays the interactions you have claimed from the queues.

Label 4


Queue panels

Each queue panel displays the entrants in that queue.

Assist. Click this button against an entrant to claim that entrant.

Assist Next. Click this button to claim the queue’s longest waiting entrant automatically.

Claimed entrants are moved to your personal waiting area from where they are routed to you immediately.

Queue Selection Panel

This is accessed by clicking the  button on the Toolbar.

This panel allows you to populate the Web Switchboard Panel with your personal waiting area and queues of your choice.

The number next to a queue indicates the number of operators who are currently monitoring it. 

Queue Summary Panel

This is accessed by clicking the  button on the Toolbar.

This panel displays live statistics for your switchboard queues.

For each queue, the following details are displayed:

The number of operators who are monitoring the queue.

The number of entrants waiting in the queue.

The longest current wait time for an entrant waiting in the queue.

See Also

Set up Your Switchboard Display

Claim a Switchboard Queue Entrant