OUTBOUND Dial Panels

Dialler agents only


Dialler Information Panel

Dial History Panel

Scheduled Callbacks Panel

You can operate these panels by using your mouse or keyboard (see Accessibility).

Dialler Information Panel

This is displayed automatically during an outbound call in the current storm OUTBOUND campaign.






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Panel help and control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Reject Call button

Expands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Reject Call button

Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking its  Dialler Information button in the Interactions Panel.

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Auto Accept or Auto Reject timer

(Preview campaign only) The time that will elapse before the contact is accepted or rejected automatically for the OUTBOUND call (as configured by your administrator).

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Contact details

Displays information about the contact who has been routed to you. If multiple numbers are displayed for the contact, the number that is being dialled is displayed in bold.

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Agent script sub-panel

Where configured, this is a script for you to read out to the contact during the OUTBOUND call.

Pop out panel button

Pops out the panel into a separate and adjacent panel.

Collapse panel button

Displays the panel (if hidden).

Expand panel button

Hides the panel.

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Preview buttons

Use one of these buttons in a Preview dial campaign:


Extends the time for previewing the contact's details as seen in the Auto Accept or Auto Reject timer at the top of the panel. The extension period is configured by your storm administrator.


The contact will NOT be dialled and you will be presented with the preview details of the next contact in the campaign.


Your phone will ring. Upon answering, the contact will be dialled and routed to you if they pick up the call.

The following button is displayed during an OUTBOUND call across all campaign types:

Notes. Opens a 'Dial Notes' sub-panel at the bottom of the panel to allow you to add a note to the OUTBOUND call. The note will be seen by agents who view the contact's dial history on the Dial History Panel in the current campaign.

Dial History Panel

This displays a dial history for the contact you are speaking to if they have previously been handled by an agent in the OUTBOUND campaign. 







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Panel help and control buttons

Displays this Help page.

Reject Call button

Expands a single-width panel to double width, or a double-width panel to maximum width. Maximum width takes up all of the available workspace to the right.

Reject Call button

Collapses a double-width panel to single width, or a maximum width panel to double-width.

Close Information Panel button

Hides the panel. You can restore it by clicking its  Dial History button in the Interactions Panel.

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Dial History

Shows the date and time of each outbound call in reverse chronological order (newest first). The symbols displayed against each outbound call have the following meanings:

The name of the agent who handled the call along with the dialled number.

Note: more than one number may be associated with the contact.

The OUTBOUND call was connected.

The OUTBOUND call was NOT made for the reason displayed (for example, the contact was busy, or a preview dial call was rejected by the agent and was not dialled).

The completion code selected for the call by the agent (if applicable)

If a callback was scheduled, the date and time of the callback. This also indicates whether the callback is for the agent who scheduled the callback (agent-owned), or any agent.

This is also used to indicate that the agent added a note during the call. (See Add a Note to an Active OUTBOUND Call.)

Scheduled Callbacks Panel

This is accessed by clicking the  button on the Toolbar. It allows you to see your scheduled callbacks in the OUTBOUND campaign, and to make retrospective changes to completion codes for historical OUTBOUND dial calls.

Clicking this displays this Help page.

Close Information Panel button

Closes the panel.

The Scheduled Callbacks Tab.

The Search Dial Records Tab.

Scheduled Callbacks Tab


This tab allows you to see all of your scheduled callbacks in the OUTBOUND campaign.

Scheduled callbacks are highlighted in light blue. Future callback dates are selectable. Selecting a date displays the callback times for that day in the list below. 

You cannot select callback dates that have passed.

Search Dial Records Tab


This tab allows you to make a retrospective change to a completion code for a historical OUTBOUND dial call. This is typically used for changing a callback completion code to a non-callback one for a particular contact, or vice versa.






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Search field

Searches the current OUTBOUND campaign for contacts matching the entered telephone number.

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Search results

Displays the matching contacts.

Select a check box for a contact whose completion code you want to change. Or, click Select All to select all listed contacts.

The  button displays the contact's details.

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Use this to assign another completion code to the selected contacts. Selecting a callback completion code displays additional callback date and time fields.

See Also

Handle a Preview OUTBOUND Call

Add a Note to an Active OUTBOUND Call

Set a Callback for an Outbound Call

Change a Completion Code Retrospectively