Set a Callback for an OUTBOUND Call

Your system administrator may have provided special completion codes in the Wrap Panel for allowing you to set callbacks. A callback is an OUTBOUND call that is scheduled to be made to the contact following the initial conversation. Although this is typically scheduled for a later date or time, it can also be an immediate call to one of the contact's other telephone numbers. Your administrator or supervisor will tell you which completion codes to select for such purposes. The Wrap panel is displayed during an OUTBOUND call allowing you to select a callback completion code. Although you can do this at any time during the call or at the end of the call, the code is submitted at the end of the call only.

The callback completion code that you select may have been configured to assign the callback specifically to you (an agent-owned callback), or to any available agent in your agent group.


  1. During or at the end of an OUTBOUND call, select the appropriate callback completion code from the completion codes list in the Wrap panel.

  1. If you selected a completion code pertaining to a scheduled callback (rather than for an immediate callback), use the displayed fields in the Wrap panel to set the callback at a specific date and time, or after a set time period has elapsed.

If you are presented with a Same Number editable field, use this to enter a different callback number if the contact has requested this.

  1. When the call ends, click the Send Codes button in the Wrap panel to submit the callback completion code. For a scheduled callback, the system will attempt to present the contact record to you or to another agent provided the campaign is running at the time of the scheduled callback.

Note: if the completion code is configured to call you and you are unavailable within the callback expiry period, the callback will be presented to another available agent.

  1. To see your scheduled callbacks, click the  button on the Toolbar. This displays the Scheduled Callbacks Panel showing a calendar with today's date highlighted in dark green. Any scheduled callbacks assigned to you today are listed in the hours of the day section of the panel immediately below.

Any light-blue highlighted days indicate future dates on which there are scheduled callbacks assigned to you. Click on any of those dates to see the scheduled callback times.

Note: an agent-owned callback may take up to five minutes to display in the calendar.