Incoming Emails List

This report is a data export showing each email that entered an ACD queue along with information about how each was handled by an agent. You can filter the dashboard report to show emails that entered particular queues.



Note: not all columns are shown (see below for full details).

Basic Information



Custom or data export

Data export


Historical Data Source

CONTACT Data Records

Supported formats


Data Export Fields

The following data export fields are displayed:

Data export field


Call Date/Time

For an incoming email handled by an agent, different values are written on the inbound (I) leg and the outbound (O) leg. On an I leg, it is the date and time at which the email was sent by the external party. On the O leg to the agent, this is the date and time at which the agent actioned the email.

For an email forwarded by an agent to an external destination, there is an additional O leg marked with the date and time at which the email was sent by the forwarding agent.

Call Direction

Indicates an inbound (I) or outbound (O) communication leg.

I is always the leg from an external party to storm. O is the leg from storm to an email recipient, who may be an agent or an external party.

An O leg to an agent is generated when the email has been processed by the agent (such as replied to or forwarded).

Originating Address

The sender's email address.

Destination Address

The destination email address.

Processed Event Status

Indicates how the email was handled. This can any one of the following:

  • Unprocessed
  • Replied
  • Forwarded
  • Ignored
  • Deleted
  • Marked for Follow Up
  • Followed Up
  • Re-queued
  • Re-queued After Timeout
  • Completed (marked as 'Done' by the agent)
  • Transferred to Queue (the agent forwarded the email to another queue)


The name of the queue entered by the email.

Total Queue Wait Time

The total duration for which the email waited in queues.


Agent Group

The name of the agent group to which the email was originally routed and presented to an agent.


The name of the last agent to service the email.

Message Handling Duration

The time taken to process the email from the point it left the queue to the point it had finished being handled by an agent. For a re-queued email, the duration excludes the time spent waiting in the queue after the re-queue.


Total Message Handling Duration

The duration measured from the point the email reached storm to the point when it had finished being handled by an agent.


Report Filters



Configurable on dashboard?

Communication Type

Includes messages only.


Message Type

Includes email messages only.



Includes emails to all queues.

Yes. Use the filter to include or exclude individual queues.

For instructions on applying filters to a dashboard report, see Filter a Historical Report'.