Submit Transaction

Submits payment details to storm LOCK for onward presentation to the Payment Service Provider (PSP).

The information is matched with that gathered by the last successfully processed Gather Card Number and Gather Security Code action cells.

Note: for a token code payment transaction, the token code is used instead.

Properties - Interface Options tab

This is for selecting the payment service provider (PSP) and associated details.

Payment Interface

Select a PSP (these are set up by your support representative). Select the Use Default check box to use your organisation's default provider.

Postcode/Address Line

Enter these details in the fields as literal values or string variables. If the Use Default check box is clear, additional fields such as 'Billing Address' and 'Recipient Date of Birth' are shown (this varies across PSPs). Enter these details as required.

These can be values captured using Data Capture action cells.

Output Variables

Use this section to build a list of variables that store data returned from the PSP (including a token code, if provided).

In the Name field, enter a meaningful label. In the Value field, provide the variable to store the returned value. Click Add to add the Name/Value pair to the list below.

Properties - Payment Details tab

This is for providing card and payment details.

Start Date/Expiry date

Enter string variables.

Issue Number/Payment Amount

Enter integer variables.

Card Holder Reference/Payment Reference

Enter string variables.

Media List/Hold prompt

Select the media list containing the audio file to play to the customer while the transaction is processed. Then, select the file to play. Select the None check box to not play a hold prompt.

Transaction Timeout

The time to allow for the transaction to complete (measured from when the cell is executed). Allow enough time for the transaction to be processed.

Properties - Optional Details tab

This is for providing any login details required by the PSP and to store information returned.

Merchant Username/Merchant Password

Enter literal values or string variables.

LOCK CDR Misc Fields

Use this section to build a list of CDR fields to store information in variables associated with the transaction.

Select a field and then provide the variable to store the returned value. Click Add to add the Misc field/Value pair to the list below.

Result Code/Authorisation Code/Refusal Reason

Enter string variables to store this information returned by the PSP.

Exit points

Exit point



If the payment succeeded.


If the transaction timed out.

Transaction Refused

If the information was recognised by the card issuer but they refused the transaction.

Transaction Failed

If the transaction failed due to general errors or because the action cell was used where the Gather Card Number and/or Gather Security Code action cells contained invalid data.