Add to Prompt Queue

Starts playing an audio prompt to the caller and then immediately passes execution to the next action cell whilst the audio is playing.

Place this action cell immediately before an action cell that will initiate a potentially lengthy operation such as a database lookup requiring callers to wait. This allows callers to hear the audio whilst the operation is in progress. A suitable audio message in this instance could be "We are currently retrieving your details - please hold".

You can include further instances of the action cell to play a sequence of messages. For example, you might add a second cell to play "your call is important to us”.

Your prompt(s) stop playing if control is passed to an action cell that plays another prompt; to a Route to Service or a Run Flow Module action cell; or to a Stop Prompt Queue action cell.


Media List/Prompt

Use the Select Media List option to select the media list containing the audio file and then either use the Select Prompt option to select the file or use the Use Dynamic Prompt option to use a local string variable containing the name of the file.

Alternatively, use the Use Dynamic Media List option to use a local string variable containing the name of the media list and then use a local string variable containing the name of the file in the media list.

Re-queue Prompt on Completion

Select this to replay the prompt once it has completed. If there are further Add to Prompt Queue action cells in your script, this prompt will replay when the prompts in those action cells have played.

Enable Cut Through

Select this and then the keys that callers can press to stop playing the audio before it ends.

If there are further Add to Prompt Queue action cells in your script, any termination key defined in any of those action cells stops the entire sequence of prompts from playing and the caller is held in silence until execution passes to the next action cell.

Exit points

Exit point



When the prompt file starts playing.


If the media list and/prompt could not be located.


See also, Wait for Prompt Queue.