Opt in and out of Agent Groups and Hunt Groups

You can opt in or opt out of agent or hunt groups of which you are a member.

Note: you cannot opt out of a group in which your attendance is marked as compulsory by your administrator.


  1. In the Toolbar at the left of the DTA main application window, click the Toolbar Settings button to display the Settings Window.
  2. In the Settings window, select My Groups.
  3. Select Agent Group Members if you want to opt in or out of an agent group, or Hunt Group Members if you want to opt in or out of a hunt group.

Opting agent in or out of agent groups

  1. Select a switch in the Attending column to opt in or out of that group. The switch states have the following meanings:

Switch off position (greyed out) Opted out

Switch on position (coloured) Opted in

 Opted in but unable to opt out

After opting out you will no longer receive calls that are routed to that group.

  1. Close the Settings window by clicking its  button, or by clicking anywhere outside the window within the main application window.