Monitor an Agent's Live Social Media or Web Chat Session

Supervisors only

You can monitor social media and web chat interactions in real-time. The agents you are allowed to monitor are those who belong to the agent groups that have been assigned to you by your storm administrator. You cannot participate in the interaction you are monitoring.

  1. Click the  button on the Toolbar. This displays the Monitor Agents Panel.
  2. In the panel, select the agent's parent agent group. This displays the group’s logged in agents.

  1. Click the agent whose social media session you want to monitor. This displays all non-voice interactions (tasks) that the agent is currently engaged in.

  1. Click a social media interaction to see its live exchange of messages between agent and contact in a separate interaction panel.

Note: clicking the Previous session button at the top of the panel displays earlier interactions between the agent and the contact.

  1. Click the Close button when you have finished monitoring the agent.