Create a Transfer Shortcut Profile

A transfer shortcut profile is a list of preconfigured destinations that are displayed when a user initiates a transfer in DTA. See the table below for the types of destination that callers can be routed to.

  1. Click Services > Transfer Shortcut Profiles.
  2. Click the Create New Profile button.

  1. Enter a name for the transfer shortcut profile.
  2. Click the Add New Transfer Shortcut button.
  3. Select either Warm Transfer or Cold Transfer from the drop-down list.
  4. Add a Label, which appears as text on the transfer button.
  5. Enter the Extension number that callers will be transferred to.
  6. Select the Assign Completion Code check box, if completion codes are required.
  7. If the Assign Completion Code check box is selected, enter a completion code.

Note: if you select a completion code here, at runtime the agent's status returns immediately to 'Available' rather than 'Wrap-up', regardless of the settings configured at agent group level or for the queue (in the Queue Settings panel).

  1. Select the OUTBOUND Only? check box if the transfer shortcut should only be made available on OUTBOUND dialler calls.
  2. Repeat the steps above to create additional buttons as required.
  3. Click Save Profile.



Transfer shortcut profile name

The name of the transfer shortcut that appears in the drop-down list on the Create a Service type page.


Warm transfer allows the caller to be announced to the new party prior to transfer, cold transfer transfers the caller with no announcement.


The text that appears on the transfer button.


The extension number can map to a user, a treatment, or it can route callers to an external telephone number.

Assign completion code

Allows a completion code to be entered (available only if cold transfer is selected).

Completion code

Add the completion code that will appear in the call record (available only if cold transfer is selected).


Forces the transfer shortcut buttons to appear for OUTBOUND dialler calls only.

To assign the transfer shortcut profile to users, please refer to the Create a service type page.