Switchboard queues are used as a general waiting area for a site or department or an overflow area for callers who have been waiting too long to speak to an agent, or as an option on an automated IVR menu (for example, “press 0 to speak to an operator”). Switchboard operators who are logged in to DTA can monitor switchboard queues and claim (assist with) incoming calls and transfer them to other destinations.
You must:
Follow the procedure in Create users but select from the following switchboard operator user types in the User Type options list.
Type |
Choose if, in addition to servicing switchboard queues, the user is required to perform |
UC Switchboard Operator |
Standard UC user tasks. |
Contact Switchboard Operator |
Inbound agent tasks (for example, service ACD queues). |
Supervisor Switchboard Operator |
Supervisor tasks (for example, monitor agents) |
Create an ACD treatment for each switchboard queue.