Custom user states are used by agents in DTA to indicate their current availability (for example, coffee break, meeting). You can create custom unavailable states per user group (typically departments) or for your entire organisation.
Standard functionality, described in this section allows you to set up simple states. Enhanced functionality allows you to configure states for more complex situations.
Notes: when a user group has not been assigned a set of states, all members of that group will be able to select a state from the list assigned to Organisation Default.
Agents can also create custom user states if you give them the Portal Settings and Custom Agent States rights in their service type.
Enhanced functionality allows administrators to configure custom user states of types other than just ‘Unavailable’. It also allows administrators to indicate whether storm should consider users in a given custom user state when defining hunting rules.
With this enhanced functionality, different custom user states can be used for the same (or similar) situation, for example to allow for language differences or differences in terminology - one group of agents selects ‘Training’ as their custom user state, while another group selects ‘Szkolenie’. You are able to group different custom user states that are used to indicate the same reason for a particular agent status using status codes. These status codes are then available in VIEW reports used by administrators to monitor and report on agent activity.
Custom user states can be marked as:
FLOW scripts and queue matching rules can be set up to take this setting into account when routing incoming communications, and
Available The user is immediately available to receive calls.
Unavailable The user is unavailable to receive calls.
Available Internal Only: The user is immediately available to receive internal calls only (including calls to any hunt groups they are participating in that are not routed via a queue)
Available Direct Only The user is immediately available to receive only calls dialled to them directly, rather than being routed via the Switchboard or a call queue. (If the user is a participant in a hunt group, calls received by the hunt group are not routed to the user.)