
This is the point in a script at which execution begins.

The action cell also allows the following optional data exchange depending on how it is run:

Run as

Data exchange

Subsidiary script

Receives data from a parent script’s Run FLOW Service action cell and sends data back to the parent.

A script calling a clear down handler script

Sends data to the clear down handler script.

A clear down handler script

Sends data to the parent.

Properties - Parameters tab

This is for configuring data exchange variables between this script (subsidiary or clear down handler) and the parent script, where required.

Input Variables

Applies to subsidiary and clear down handler scripts.

Populate this section with variables for receiving data from the parent script. In the Name column, enter a string ID (preceded by =) for associating the variable with the equivalent variable in the parent script. In the Value column, enter the local script variable for receiving the value.

Output Variables

Applies to subsidiary scripts only.

Populate this section with variables for sending data back to the parent script when this script ends. In the Name column, enter a string ID (preceded by =) for associating the variable with the equivalent variable in the parent script. In the Value column, enter the local script variable containing the value to send.

Note: Equivalent input and output variables must also be set in the parent script's Run FLOW Service action cell.

Properties - Call options tab

This is used primarily for calling a clear down handler script.

Send ringing on start

Clear this to prevent ringback messages being sent to the network when calls are received. This is useful in a script that begins by routing callers to outbound destinations and in which callers are required to hear network messages instead of ringing if the outbound calls fail.

Enable a clear down handler

If this is a main script requiring clean-up operations in a clear down handler script when it clears, select the clear down handler to call.

Input Variables

In a main script calling a clear down handler script:

In the Name column, enter a string ID (preceded by =) for associating the variable with the equivalent variable in the clear down handler. In the Value column, enter the local script variable whose value you want to pass to the clear down handler.

In a clear down handler script:

In the Name column, enter a string ID (preceded by =) for associating the variable with the equivalent variable in the main script. In the Value column, enter the local script variable to receive the value from the main script.

Exit point

Exit route



When the script is invoked by an access point or a parent script.