Send Email
Sends an email to one or more destinations. |
The text can be free form, formatted, or content in a stored text file.
Enter the destination email addresses in the appropriate sections (as a literal values preceded by =, or string variables).
Enter the originating email address to show to the recipients (as a literal value preceded by =, or a string variable).
Enter the email subject.
Free Form Message
Select this to compose your message. In the Message Contents field, either type the message (preceded by =) or use a local string variable.
The field allows you to enter any plain text along with any % format specifiers shown below. Each format specifier is a placeholder for an arguments listed in the Enable mail merge on the email message content property (see below).
%i |
integer variable |
%s |
string variable |
%[.x]f |
float variable, where .x is an optional precision specifier for rounding the number to x decimal places. |
%d |
a date element |
For example, "Dear %s, your account is overdue by £%.2f. Please pay by the end of %d/%d. We will send a final reminder in %i days."
Select Message From Media List
Use the Select Media List option to select the file from the options list and then select Text File to choose a text file in the media list or select Use Dynamic Text File to use a local string variable containing the name of the text file:
Use the Use Dynamic Media List option to use a local string variable containing the name of the media list and then use a local string variable containing the name of the text file in the media list.
Enable mail merge on the email message content
Use the field and Add button to build the list of arguments to populate the placeholders in the order in which they appear in the free form field.
You can reorder the list by dragging and dropping an argument at the location of the black line that appears.
Variable values substituted in the format specifiers might result in, "Dear John, your account is overdue by £100.46. Please pay by the end of 05/2018. We will send a final reminder in 5 days."
Exit point |
Taken |
[Submitted] |
When the email has been sent. |
Invalid Details |
If the media list or text file specified in the properties cannot be located. Also taken if the email fails validation checks (for example, if invalid characters are used in the message, or an email address contained in a variable is incorrectly formatted). |