SIP Trunk

Routes a call to an IP-PBX or SIP gateway device over a SIP trunk configured by your supplier.

Depending on your implementation, a SIP trunk could refer to a connection to a particular site, a specific PBX, or a data centre.


SIP Trunk

Select the configured SIP trunk over which to route calls.

Onward Route Number

Enter the destination routing number as a literal value or a local string variable. This can be the full DDI of the destination, or any number (such as local extension number) that is recognised as a routing code at the PBX where the SIP trunk terminates.

Select Call Timeout Period

The number of seconds for which to try calling on the SIP trunk.

Use the Select Call Timeout Period option to enter a value between 5 and 180s, or use the Use Dynamic Call Timeout Period to use a local integer or float variable containing the timeout value (float values are rounded down to the nearest integer at run time).

Media List

Use this to play an audio whisper prompt to the called party immediately before the call connects. Where multiple access numbers invoke the same script, whisper prompts can be used to inform the called party of the call origin, based on the access number dialled by the caller or their CLI (identified using the Group Routing or Select Case action cell).

Use the Select Media List option to select the media list containing the file and then either use the Select Prompt option to select the file or use the Use Dynamic Prompt option to use a local string variable containing the name of the file.

Alternatively, use the Use Dynamic Media List option to use a local string variable containing the name of the media list and then use a local string variable containing the name of the file in the media list.

Record Call

Select this to activate call recording on the SIP trunk.

Enable Call Queueing

Select this to place callers on hold for an unlimited or selected period while the line is busy.

Exit points

Exit point



When the call ends.


When all attempts to route the call have failed.


When the whisper prompt file specified in the properties cannot be located.