Route to Recorder
Routes a call to the storm RECORDER application. |
This is particularly useful if you are routing calls to outbound destinations other than to a storm contact centre and wish to give the called party the ability to toggle recordings on or off.
Routing Type
Select 'Use inbound access number' to use the caller's dialled number as the access number to storm RECORDER, or select 'User defined Recorder access number' to set your own (use a literal value or a string variable).
Always Record
Select an option.
The first two options override any defined by the user’s service type in PBX/CONTACT.
Start Recording Digit(s)/Stop Recording Digit(s)
The digits that the called party can use to start and stop a call recording. Specify up to three characters (preceded by =) or use a string variable. The string may include 0 – 9, * and #.
Selecting 'Default' forces the system to use the digit(s) defined by the user’s service type.
Exit point |
Taken |
[Complete] |
When cell execution completes. |