Get Last Interaction

Retrieves the identity of the agent and the date and time at which they handled the last SMS, email, or social media interaction with the contact.

The action cell does this by seeing if the originating addresses (or conversation references) in the script’s earlier interactions with all contacts matches the address or reference of the current contact. On finding an interaction, its arrival date and time, and the user ID of the agent who serviced it are retrieved.

When used in conjunction with other action cells, you can use the user ID to provide continuity by routing each contact to the agent with whom they previously interacted (the ‘preferred’ agent). The retrieved date and time can be used to limit the routing for recent interactions only.

See Routing an interaction to the same agent for an example.


Select the search method to find the last agent to service the customer

By Origination Identifier

Uses the SMS number, email address or social media account name.

By Conversation Reference

Uses the SMS number or email thread identifier, or, for social media, the ID of the message to which the new message is replying.

User ID of agent who last service the customer  

Enter an integer variable to store the user ID of the agent who serviced the matching interaction.

Date/time an agent last serviced the customer

Enter a date variable to store the date and/or time of the matching interaction.

Exit points

Exit point



If an earlier interaction with the origination ID/conversation reference provided was found.

Not found

If an earlier interaction with the origination ID/conversation reference provided was not found.