Selects, inserts, or updates information in a storm DATA MANAGEMENT table. |
You might, for example, update a table using information provided via web services and custom APIs. To use this action cell, you should be familiar with DATA MANAGEMENT tables and queries. See the storm DATA MANAGEMENT User Guide.
Create New Query Statement/Use Existing Query Statement
Either create a new query statement or use an existing one. This is used to reference the query in a Fetch Query Result action cell if you are using a SELECT statement to retrieve information from a table into your script.
Note: this is useful if, for example, your script has separate routes to the same Execute Query action cell, where the different routes require the query to be run with different parameters or to return different values.
DataManagement Table
Use this to select the table from which to perform a retrieve, insert, or update operation.
Query Type
Choose ‘Select’ to retrieve information from the table; ‘Insert’ to add rows to the table; or ‘Update’ to overwrite information in existing rows.
If you have chosen to ‘Select’ or ‘Update’, use the drop-down list beneath the Query Type options to select a table query that has been set up for the table.
Number of Result Rows
Optionally, enter an integer variable to hold the number of result rows returned by the query.
Bind Where Variables/Bind Result Variables/Bind Insert Variables/Bind Update Variables
The display depends on the selected query type. You add values by entering values in the fields and then clicking Add.
Query type |
Display |
Description |
Select |
Bind Where Variables |
The script variable(s) whose values feed the WHERE clause(s) in the SELECT query. |
Bind Result Variables |
The Columns in the SELECT query that return information to script variables. Name: The DATA MANAGEMENT table column(s) in the query (preceded by =). Variable: The script variable in which to store the retrieved data. |
Insert |
Bind Insert Variables |
This does not use a DATA MANAGEMENT query. Name: The DATA MANAGEMENT table column(s) in which to insert information (preceded by =). Variable: The script variables providing the values to insert. |
Update |
Bind Update Variables |
The Columns in the UPDATE query to update with information from script variables. Name: The DATA MANAGEMENT table column(s) in which to update information (preceded by =). Variable: The script variables providing the values to update. |
Exit point |
Taken |
Complete |
When cell execution completes. |
Error |
If an error occurs. |