System prompt files
The following table lists the default (English) system prompts used by the Play Expression action cell.
System prompts uploaded using the storm Admin Portal must have the filenames listed here. When uploading a new set of system prompts, you must upload a complete set.
Filename |
Spoken text |
A.vox |
The letter A |
AD.vox |
'A.D.' |
am.vox |
'A.M.' |
Ampersand&.vox |
The & character |
And.vox |
'And' |
April.vox |
'April' |
Asterisk.vox |
The * character |
at.vox |
'At' |
At@.vox |
The @ character |
August.vox |
'August' |
B.vox |
The letter B |
Backslash.vox |
The \ character |
Bar.vox |
The | character |
BC.vox |
'B.C.', |
Billion.vox |
'Billion' |
C.vox |
The letter C |
Cedilla~.vox |
The ~ character |
CloseBrace}.vox |
The } character |
CloseBracket].vox |
The ] character |
CloseParenthesis).vox |
The ) character |
Colon.vox |
The : character |
Comma.vox |
The , character |
D.vox |
The letter D |
December.vox |
'December' |
DividedBy.vox |
The mathematical divide symbol |
Dollar$.vox |
The $ character |
E.vox |
The letter E |
Eight.vox |
'Eight' |
Eighteen.vox |
'Eighteen' |
Eighteenth.vox |
18th |
Eighth.vox |
8th |
EightHundred.vox |
'Eight hundred' |
Eighty.vox |
'Eighty' |
Eleven.vox |
'Eleven' |
Eleventh.vox |
11th |
Equals.vox |
The = sign |
ExclamationMark!.vox |
The ! character |
F.vox |
The letter F |
February.vox |
'February' |
Fifteen.vox |
'Fifteen' |
Fifteenth.vox |
15th |
Fifth.vox |
5th |
Fifty.vox |
'Fifty' |
First.vox |
1st |
Five.vox |
'Five' |
FiveHundred.vox |
'Five hundred' |
Forty.vox |
'Forty' |
Four.vox |
'Four' |
FourHundred.vox |
'Four hundred' |
Fourteen.vox |
'Fourteen' |
Fourteenth.vox |
14th |
Fourth.vox |
'Fourth' |
Friday.vox |
'Friday' |
Fullstop.vox |
The . character as a full stop |
G.vox |
The letter G |
GreaterThan.vox |
The > character |
H.vox |
The letter H |
Hash#.vox |
The # character |
Hat^.vox |
The ^ character |
hour.vox |
'Hour' |
hours.vox |
'Hours' |
Hundred.vox |
'Hundred' |
Hyphen.vox |
The - character |
I.vox |
The letter I |
J.vox |
The letter J |
January.vox |
'January' |
July.vox |
'July' |
June.vox |
'June' |
K.vox |
The letter K |
L.vox |
The letter L |
M.vox |
The letter M |
March.vox |
'March' |
May.vox |
'May' |
Million.vox |
'Million' |
Minus.vox |
'Minus' |
minute.vox |
'Minute' |
minutes.vox |
'Minutes' |
Monday.vox |
'Monday' |
N.vox |
The letter N |
Nine.vox |
'Nine' |
NineHundred.vox |
'Nine hundred' |
Nineteen.vox |
'Nineteen' |
Nineteenth.vox |
19th |
Ninety.vox |
'Ninety' |
Ninth.vox |
9th |
November.vox |
'November' |
O.vox |
The letter O |
October.vox |
'October' |
of.vox |
'Of' |
Oh.vox |
'Oh' (as in o'clock) |
One.vox |
'One' |
OneHundred.vox |
'One hundred' |
OpenBrace{.vox |
The { character |
OpenBracket[.vox |
The [ character |
OpenParenthesis(.vox |
The ( character |
P.vox |
The letter P |
Pence.vox |
'Pence' |
Penny.vox |
'Penny' |
Percent%.vox |
The % character |
Plus.vox |
The + symbol |
pm.vox |
'P.M.' |
Point.vox |
The . (decimal point) character |
Pound.vox |
'Pound' |
Pounds.vox |
'Pounds' |
Poundsign£.vox |
The £ character |
Q.vox |
The letter Q |
QuestionMark.vox |
The ? character |
R.vox |
The letter R |
S.vox |
The letter S |
Saturday.vox |
'Saturday' |
second.vox |
'Second' |
Seconds.vox |
'Seconds' |
Semicolon.vox |
The ; character |
September.vox |
'September' |
Seven.vox |
'Seven' |
SevenHundred.vox |
'Seven hundred' |
Seventeen.vox |
'Seventeen' |
Seventeenth.vox |
17th |
Seventh.vox |
7th |
Seventy.vox |
'Seventy' |
SingleQuote'.vox |
The ' character |
Six.vox |
'Six' |
SixHundred.vox |
'Six hundred' |
Sixteen.vox |
'Sixteen' |
Sixteenth.vox |
16th |
Sixth.vox |
6th |
Sixty.vox |
'Sixty' |
Slash.vox |
The / character |
SmallerThan.vox |
The < character |
Space.vox |
The SPACEBAR character |
Sunday.vox |
'Sunday' |
T.vox |
The letter T |
Ten.vox |
'Ten' |
Tenth.vox |
10th |
Third.vox |
3rd |
Thirteen.vox |
'Thirteen' |
Thirteenth.vox |
13th |
Thirtieth.vox |
30th |
Thirty.vox |
'Thirty' |
ThirtyFirst.vox |
31st |
Thousand.vox |
'Thousand' |
Three.vox |
'Three' |
ThreeHundred.vox |
'Three hundred' |
Thursday.vox |
'Thursday' |
Times.vox |
The mathematical multiplication symbol |
TimesTenToPower.vox |
Used to reference very large numbers |
Today.vox |
'Today' |
Tomorrow.vox |
'Tomorrow' |
Tuesday.vox |
'Tuesday' |
Twelfth.vox |
12th |
Twelve.vox |
'Twelve' |
Twentieth.vox |
20th |
Twenty.vox |
'Twenty' |
TwentyEighth.vox |
28th |
TwentyFifth.vox |
25th |
TwentyFirst.vox |
21st |
TwentyFourth.vox |
24th |
TwentyNinth.vox |
29th |
TwentySecond.vox |
22nd |
TwentySeventh.vox |
27th |
TwentySixth.vox |
26th |
TwentyThird.vox |
23rd |
Two.vox |
'Two' |
TwoHundred.vox |
'Two hundred' |
U.vox |
The letter U |
Underscore.vox |
The _ character |
V.vox |
The letter V |
W.vox |
The letter W |
Wednesday.vox |
'Wednesday' |
X.vox |
The letter X |
Y.vox |
The letter Y |
Yesterday.vox |
'Yesterday' |
Z.vox |
The letter Z |
Zero.vox |
'Zero' |