Organisation media files are those that provide prompts for the Play Expression action cell in storm FLOW. The name of the file indicates the word or phrase that the English-language prompt provides as shown below. You can create different language versions of this set.
A |
AD |
am |
Ampersand& |
And |
April |
Asterisk |
at |
At@ |
August |
B |
Backslash |
Bar |
BC |
Billion |
C |
Cedilla~ |
CloseBrace} |
CloseBracket] |
CloseParenthesis) |
Colon |
Comma |
D |
December |
DividedBy |
Dollar$ |
E |
Eight |
Eighteen |
Eighteenth |
Eighth |
EightHundred |
Eighty |
Eleven |
Eleventh |
Equals |
ExclamationMark! |
F |
February |
Fifteen |
Fifteenth |
Fifth |
Fifty |
First |
Five |
FiveHundred |
Forty |
Four |
FourHundred |
Fourteen |
Fourteenth |
Fourth |
Friday |
Fullstop |
G |
GreaterThan |
H |
Hash# |
Hat^ |
hour |
hours |
Hundred |
Hyphen |
I |
J |
January |
July |
June |
K |
L |
M |
March |
May |
Million |
Minus |
minute |
minutes |
Monday |
N |
Nine |
NineHundred |
Nineteen |
Nineteenth |
Ninety |
Ninth |
November |
O |
October |
of |
Oh |
One |
OneHundred |
OpenBrace{ |
OpenBracket[ |
OpenParenthesis( |
P |
Pence |
Penny |
Percent% |
Plus |
pm |
Point |
Pound |
Pounds |
Poundsign£ |
Q |
QuestionMark |
R |
S |
Saturday |
second |
Seconds |
Semicolon |
September |
Seven |
SevenHundred |
Seventeen |
Seventeenth |
Seventh |
Seventy |
SingleQuote' |
Six |
SixHundred |
Sixteen |
Sixteenth |
Sixth |
Sixty |
Slash |
SmallerThan |
Space |
Sunday |
T |
Ten |
Tenth |
Third |
Thirteen |
Thirteenth |
Thirtieth |
Thirty |
ThirtyFirst |
Thousand |
Three |
ThreeHundred |
Thursday |
Times |
TimesTenToPower |
Today |
Tomorrow |
Tuesday |
Twelfth |
Twelve |
Twelve |
Twentieth |
Twenty |
Twenty |
TwentyEighth |
TwentyFifth |
TwentyFirst |
TwentyFourth |
TwentyNinth |
TwentySecond |
TwentySeventh |
TwentySixth |
TwentyThird |
Two |
TwoHundred |
U |
Underscore |
V |
W |
Wednesday |
X |
Y |
Yesterday |
Z |
Zero |
You must:
Note: 16 bit PCM format results in larger files with no increase in quality when transmitted over the telephone network. OKI ADPCM results in smaller files but with reduced quality.