Custom Unavailable Codes

Custom unavailable codes are keypad key sequences that an agent can enter on a hardware phone to set their status as unavailable to handle calls. Each such code consists of the key sequence (defined as an asterisk, followed by two digits) and an associated description that indicates the circumstances in which the agent would use that code to make themselves unavailable.

For CONTACT agents, the system records the amount of time each agent spends in each of these states (using the CONTACT agent activity data record) and this information can be included in reports created in VIEW. 

If an agent sets their status as unavailable to handle calls using a keypad key sequence, their status in the DTA, and their presence status (for reporting purposes) is set to be the description set up for that key sequence.

Within the VIEW interface and in the corporate directory, agents who have used one of the codes to make themselves unavailable will appear with the status ‘Unavailable’.

The following codes are available by default:


This is the code an agent who has used a code to make themselves unavailable uses to make themselves available again. The name given to the code is pre-defined, but you can change the key sequence from the default value.


This sequence (*74) switches the agents into do not disturb (DND) mode. You cannot change either the name or the sequence for this code.

DND Off 

This sequence (*75) switches the agents out of DND mode. You cannot change either the name or the sequence for this code.

Note: DND mode can also be enabled and disabled by pressing a DND soft key available on some hardware phones.


The code an agent uses who wants to enter wrap mode after a call.

Available - Internal Only

The code an agent uses who wants to be available for internal calls only, and be unavailable for external direct calls and calls from queues.

Available - Direct Only

The code an agent uses who wants to be available to receive only calls dialled to them directly, rather than being routed via the Switchboard or a call queue. (If the user is a participant in a hunt group, calls received by the hunt group are not routed to the agent.)


Dialling *00 from a logged-in phone will display the current availability status of the user.

If the organisation setting parameter Assign function codes to custom unavailable states is selected, you are able to access custom user states set up on the list assigned to [Organisation Default] and assign key sequences to them. This allows agent status changes implemented using function keys to be reflected in reporting.

  1. Select the Organisation > Custom Unavailable Codes menu option.


The screen shows all custom unavailable codes set up for your organisation. For all codes but the default ones you can amend the existing values. 

  1. To create a new unavailable code, enter the two-digit key sequence and a code name into the fields at the bottom of the list. (As you enter data into either of these fields a new line is displayed, for you to enter a further code, if required.)
  2. Click the Update Codes button to save your input. The system checks that the key sequence you have entered has not already been used before saving your input. An error message is shown if the code is already in use. 

If the organisation setting parameter Assign function codes to custom unavailable states is selected, the field used to enter the code name is converted into a drop-down list populated with all the custom user states set up on the list assigned to [Organisation Default]. 


You are able to select each in turn and assign key sequences to them.